Please wait for 10-20 seconds to Load Radio is a spiritual song radio dedicated station Hindu the glory of Lord Shiva. He would strive for the airing glory of the Lord in several languages, including Sanskrit, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu, English, Hindi and other Indian languages all. We welcome devotional music based lectures or Vedas, Shivagamas, Devotional Literature and Shaivite ThirumuRai.
If you are the copyright owner of the audio and want to put for the benefit of the greatest devotees please contact us at [email protected]
It is available 24×7 Radio Multi linguales via Internet. The multilingual radio has the Sanskrit, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam and Tamil programs.
Radio Shaiva Lahari is dedicated to the spread of Vedas, Shivagamas, Puranas, Shaiva devotional songs, spiritual discourses, religious lessons for children, etc.
If you have quality Shaivite songs, lectures and other audio data that you have copyright and would like to share with the worshipers of the whole world, please contact us at [email protected] .