Live Luminous Radio | First multilingual catholic online radio from India

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Luminous Radio

Support Luminous Radio: Support Luminous Catholic Radio by listening, praying for our work, and financially supporting our evangelization efforts! We humbly ask for your support in three ways.

Listen: Tune into Luminous Radio and listen our stream online 24X7 at

Pray: Luminous Radio has the potential to evangelize to over half a million Christians in India and across the globe. Do do keep Luminous radio in your prayersSpread the news.

Spread the news: Inform about Luminous Radio to others in your parish and community.

Contribute: Will you also prayerfully consider supporting these evangelization efforts with a charitable gift?
The Luminous Radio is a non-profit lay apostolate and is purely listener supported. Without broad listener support, Luminous Radio would not be visible in the community. To support Luminous Radio by making a donation, please click the “Give today” button above to access the secure donations page. Please know that all donations are voluntary, so no refunds can be given.

We hear from listeners every day about how our programs has changed their view, changed their mind, brought them closer to God and even back to the Catholic Church. Your ongoing monthly or one-time donation help keep great Catholic programming on-the-air in your community and streaming on the internet 24/7!

Use our bank details below to make your donations. We thank you for your generosity.

Account Name:
Luminous Radio
Account Number: 0773 0730 000 000 44
IFSC: SIBL0000773
Bank Name: South Indian Bank
Branch: Kumarapuram,
Kerala, India.

For Comments and Suggetions:
UAE Address:
Luminous Radio
United Arab Emirates
Phone: +971 6 5428958
Mobile: +971 50 5525853

India Address:
Office Luminous Radio
1st Floor,
Stella Maris,
TNRA – 11,
Trivandrum – 695011,
Phone: + 91 471 400 0360
Email: info[+]

Live Luminous Radio | First multilingual catholic online radio from India

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